Gallery Filtered by Fishing Method: (Deep Dropping) Multiple Snapper Multiple Snapper Henry Thornton showing off his multiple hook up of red snapper. LOCATION Cat Island, Bahamas Fishing Method Bottom Fishing, Deep Dropping Species Snapper Daytime Swordfishing Grabbing swordfish during the daylight hours requires a little extra travel and a deep dropping rig. LOCATION Delray Beach, Florida Fishing Method Deep Dropping Species Swordfish Daytime Swordfishing Grabbing swordfish during the daylight hours requires a little extra travel and a deep dropping rig. LOCATION Delray Beach, Florida Fishing Method Deep Dropping Species Swordfish Deep Dropping LOCATION Delray Beach, Florida Fishing Method Deep Dropping Species Snapper Deep Dropping for Silkies Tyler Windham and his multi-catch of Silky Snappers. LOCATION Cat Island, Bahamas Fishing Method Deep Dropping Species Snapper